As an educator with over 20 years of experience, a certified Social and Emotional Intelligence Coach, and a trauma and attachment trained counselor I offer unique presentations and training for teachers, parents, community organizations, and counselors. Please contact me for more information on the training and presentations listed on this page. For SEL training and workshops for your campus or organization please visit

Training and Presentations for Schools and Community Organizations:

Tackling Anxiety (in the classroom)

In this presentation an understanding of the “brain’s alarm system” and how it manifests in behavior and emotional dysregulation is explored. Participants will be presented a variety of calming strategies, common language and pro-active regulating practices for classroom wide support.

Trauma in the Classroom:

How to Support Students, Teachers and Staff

In this presentation participants will gain an understanding of how early childhood trauma and toxic stress affect a student physically, socially, emotionally, and academically. Participants will obtain knowledge on how trauma triggers can manifest in challenging behaviors and concrete language, strategies, and pro-active measures that build safety, connection and stronger independent self-regulation. Participants will explore system wide support strategies to increase assistance to teachers, staff and parents.

Success vs. Failure:

How to cultivate a growth-mindset community

Participants will explore recent brain research into neurological patterns of negativity reward vs positive. An exploration into specific activities, communication, classroom or group community, and curriculum to promote and expand growth mindset and intellectual risk taking.

Social and Emotional Learning

Workshops and training for creating, enhancing, and expanding SEL practices for safe connected community building, behavior support, mindfulness implementation, common language, and parental engagement. Please refer to my SEL website for current offerings and testimonials from area schools and teachers at

Training and Presentations for Parents and Caregivers:

Tackling Anxiety (at home)

In this presentation an understanding of the “brain’s alarm system” and how it manifests in behavior and emotional dysregulation is explored. Proactive strategies to observe, and mediate known triggers along with how to teach self-calming skills. will be discussed. Participants will be presented with a variety of calming strategies, and regulating language.


The Wild West or the New Frontier?

Participants will obtain an understanding of brain development, the physical and social needs and changes that occur throughout various developmental life stages. An exploration into the impact of technology and screen time on focus, attention, communication skills, connection, anxiety and depression as well as addiction will be discussed. Research into best practices for teaching responsible technology use and the idea of monitoring vs managing will be presented.

Navigating the Storm of Adolescence

In this presentation parents will explore the changing pre-teen and teenage brain, the varying physical and cognitive needs that accompany these changes and how it impacts behavior and communication. Participants will gain communication skills, regulation strategies for self and family, and knowledge of behaviors that move from typical to concern.